Month: November 2024

GEPS submission to the Kiama Growth and Housing Strategy.

Kiama-West-Main-Map.jpgGEPS has prepared a submission to the exhibition of the draft Kiama Growth and Housing Strategy.

Our environment group does not support urban expansion into West Kiama. We support urban consolidation and the development of the Bombo Quarry for medium to high density housing.

This submission outlines why the scenic, heritage, biological and agricultural values of Saddleback Mountain warrant protection from urban expansion. We also argue why the Saddleback Mountain landscape should be valued and listed on the State Heritage Register as a Cultural Landscape:

Kiama has been accommodating a growing population for the last thirty years through urban consolidation and moderate urban expansion and this has been largely supported by residents because it hasn’t been excessive. There are currently opportunities for urban consolidation through medium to high density development at Akuna Street and Havilha Place as well as greenfield expansion proposals for South Kiama (444 lots), Golden Valley, Jamberoo (51 lots) and Campbell Street, Gerringong (166 lots).  In addition to these proposals there is rezoned land at Spring Creek and the large Bombo Quarry will become available in the future and would be suitable for a significant amount of medium to high density housing.  So, there is no need for further greenfield urban expansion into our food producing farmlands.

The full submission can be downloaded here.

GEPS submission to Major Projects Modification 13 Dunmore Quarry Pit extension

GEPS objects to the proposed destruction of vegetation of state and national significance in this DA Modification and the inability of the compensation proposal to offset this loss.

This quarry will have a significant impact on threatened flora species Illawarra Zieria (Zieria granulata) and Illawarra Irene (Irenepharsus trypherus) and contribute to cumulative impacts of quarrying in the area on Melaleuca armillaris Tall Shrubland and Illawarra subtropical rainforest Endangered Ecological Communities.

The full submission can be downloaded here.

GEPS wrote directly to the Minister, Tanya Plibersek, indicating that he organisation was concerned about the proposed impact on the habitat of Endangered species Zieria granulata in the proposed NSW Major Projects Modification 13 Dunmore Quarry Pit extension DA470-11-2003-Mod-13.

This proposed quarry extension will require the clearing of approximately 900 individual Illawarra Zieria plants (ZG) listed as an endangered species under the BC Act and EPBC Act.

The letter to the Minister can be downloaded here.